Włamanie na skrzynkę OPA

Dziś rano nastąpio włamanie na skrzynkę pocztowá OPA. Jeśli dostaliście Państwo maile z OPA nie związane z działalnością organizacji prosimy je ignorować. OPA pracuje obecnie nad rozwiązaniem problemu. Przepraszamy serdecznie za zaistniałą sytuację


Treść maila:


Sorry for having to reach out to you like this,I was told that my sister who is a contractor in Nigeria had a car accident with her husband and there 3 children and they lost there first child immediately while my sister, her husband and other children sustained serious injury which i was told that may lead to surgery.I had to travel immediately to Nigeria to see them and on getting to Nigeria i saw that it was terrible but the doctor have managed to stop the bleeding.However, i have deposited the money i have with me while the doctor is demanding for another $2900 for the treatment. Please I need some money quickly so that the doctor can buy blood and add to my sister and her family and also continue with the treatment to avoid losing another person.Kindly understand that I’ll refund the money to you as soon as I return in few days. Of course you know that my phone cannot work here in Nigeria but i can be able to check my mail regular since i have my laptop with me. The Doctor finally said that it must be something very urgent to avoid losing another person. Kindly let me know if you can be able to send the money immediately so that i can forward my details where you can transfer the money.

Thank you and kind regards,





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