Christmas Lunch OPA
St. Andrew’s Day 2024 – In the Greco-Roman style
Moor: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/andrzejki-2024-oxford-tickets-1058927674179?aff=oddtdtcreator
Meet Santa 2023
8/12/23 -5-8pm: https://MeetSantaOxford2023Friday.eventbrite.co.uk 9/12/23 -10am-1pm: https://MeetSantaOxford2023Saturday.eventbrite.co.uk
Christmas Lunch
Join Oxford Polish Association for annual Christmas Lunch We would like to invite Oxford Community for a Polish “Wigilia” (Christmas Eve meal). This year we will meet in historic place in the heart of Oxford – Hertford College. We’ll provide a fantastic atmosphere, festive mood, traditional Christmas carols . We would be grateful if you could bring some food to share (each attendance for prox 2-4 people) and some soft drinks. * we provide coffee, tea, traditional borscht Book Your Free place https://www.facebook.com/events/1537736596654101?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D Ми хотіли б запросити Оксфордську громаду на польську “Wigilia” (різдвяну вечерю). Цього року ми зустрінемося в історичному місці в самому центрі Оксфорда – Hertford College. Ми постараємось…
Meet The Santa
Meet the Santa We would like to invite All children from Leys Area to “Meet the Santa” on 8/9/10 of December. Blackbird Leys Parish Council and Oxford Polish Association invite you to “MEET THE SANTA” in Blackbird Leys in Oxford! We will host Santa Claus in his famous grotto. While waiting for Santa to arrive, you will be able to participate in games and activities, craft and dances for free. The magical snow will be there! Tickets are £1 only with a guaranteed small surprise gift for the little ones 🙂 HO HO HO… MERRY CHRISTMAS! Attention: Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult!!! ************************ Attention: *8-9 December…